Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thinking on a Quote from Atlas Shrugged

Quote from Atlas Shrugged

"The man who refuses to judge, who neither agrees nor disagrees, who declares that there are no absolutes and believes that he escapes responsibility, is the man responsible for all the blood that is now spilled in the world." | P3C7

Last night I was talking (Oops! no – strike talking…) conversing with one of my very good friend whom I met after a long long time. We did what friends are expected to do when they meet after a long time – A good booze session along with some open heart-ed conversation. During one of the topic discussed in the conversation a reference to the above quote came and I explained my view point on the above quote in my blurry, shaky, semi drunken voice – donno it was good or okay or a lousy one but my friend liked it asked me to document my view and share it with him…. So buddy here I come….

We today professional world we do a similar kind of acts all the times. We try to please everyone, we are scared to put out view point "as straight as an arrow" and try to find the sugar coated diplomatic words to get half blurred, half confusing picture of our view point across the table. Yes, in a sense diplomacy is needed but most of the time it is over-rated and under-yielding. So the question is what should we do – is really the world prepared for answers which are sort of perpendicular replies to the curved questions….? I guess not… it is fine to be diplomatic but it should not be used as a tool to defer work, decision or responsibility….. now that is a SIN!!! There are and there will be the times when you can NOT please very one but in such a situation I believe the most important thing  which we should do is ignored too many times – it is asking yourself 

"What do I think of my self and do I believe I’m doing the right thing to achieve the shared goals of the herd?" if Yes! Then listen to the arguments patiently from all, but decide and pick a side instrad of CYA (Cover Your A**) approach – and then stick to it….

Always remember once you have picked a side / made a choice – you may win/proven right, or you may loose/proven wrong; but the important aspect is you made a decision and are were willing to own it… the biggest SIN in this scenario would be “Not making a decision or asking some one else to do it when is your responsibility!!!!” Quoting an example from a real world – When a war happens one country wins and the other one loses, but soldiers from both the sides are respected and honored…. and the one's who run away from the battle are always frowned upon…. Bottom line:- “Do you karma as per best of your judgement and own the repercussions  and that is your only chance to GLORY!!!!

~lokesh v. (XXVIII)

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