Sunday, January 16, 2011

Relationships, Relationships and Relationships

Perfect Life

Is there some thing called as a “Perfect life”? What is a perfect life? Shall one should settle for what circumstances offer or shall one should keep on looking for what would satisfy a person’s soul. Yes one can not get everything heart yearns for but how to find the boundaries on what the heart demands and is worth aiming for fulfilling the eternal thirst of soul or to accept what is in life and live with it, even if it fills the life with the emptiness which keeps on growing every day……

Life is all about relationships, they bring the emotions in us, emotions gives life its meaning, a life without emotions will make a person no different from a dead meat object lying on top of chest in the room…..

Heart at times plays the devil and always asking for more and more from life, will it be fair to let go heart its devilish ways and not to listen the mind. The answer will be NO, but at the same time one has to accept the relationships are not easy, they at times give never imagined pleasure or never experienced pain; they are never perfect and require love, care and sacrifices all the time to grow and give life its meaning. But how to decide if a relationship has gone dead or just a going through as a phase? When to decide to call it quit or how much to accommodate; in other words what is fair price one should be willing to pay for relationship, on first thought “isn’t the question on price for a relationship appear very narrow minded on the first thought ” but thinking again if any you think that it is unfair / mean to do a cost benefit analysis – every one (including you) does it – even if we do a self-less act or compromise in a relationship – it gives us back happiness (the thought of doing a compromise or self-less act makes us happy and gives peace) making it an act itself done for own happiness rather than for someone else; i haven’t come across an self-less act which was done by a person without the need for happiness or peace of mind, all tend to ignore the acts which gives them back nothing, now coming back to the original question – is any relationship worth the self-respect …. but yes I agree ego is acid for any relationship…..

I think the key lies in the fact in figuring out “Is the relationship worth what it demands – if it is making life happier and peaceful as one yearns”. Not sure if it appears as mean on first read or like a business deal, but on multiple thoughts isn’t that what everyone is looking for in a relationship or life – “happiness and peace of mind”? and what to do if it fails in fulfilling the prime objective for which it was intended for……

On last thoughts – why we makes things un-necessarily complex – is it the human nature which makes it complex or is it the multiples masks of personalities (seeking self-acceptance and appreciation and not being what we are…) make it complex?

Sure I’m not the guy who has figured it all out and trying to figure out the way in the maze of life and YES still looking for someone who can find happiness in the sharing small things in life instead of finding sadness in what is missing in life…..

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