Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Kid @ Heart

Every man is a kid at heart, give him a candy and he will forget the bruises suffered few minutes back but ask him to do something which is good for him but he doesn’t like, you will hear all the lame excuses of the world.

~lokesh v. (XLV)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Street light and Dream

There is not much difference between a street light and a dream, during the darkest hours of night both appear to be standing of their own in air, defying laws of nature – neither bowing to gravity and falling to ground nor flying deep in the sky - out of sight; they just remain their – standstill - giving hope; but both lose their sheen and identity with the first strike of day light.

~lokesh v (XLIV)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Losing a Battle

Sometimes it is necessary to lose a battle in order to win the war, but try explaining this to the family of the soldier who had fallen behind…
Good luck with that… 

~lokesh (XLIII)