Monday, August 15, 2011

First Notes on eve of Independence - Aug 15, 1947

Pandit Nehru (First Prime Minister):

"Years ago with made a tryst with destiny. and now the time has come when we shall redeeem our pledge not wholly no in fully measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, india will awake to life and freedom.

The appointed day has come - the day appointed by destiny, and India stands forth again after long slumber and struggle, awake, vital, free and independent. The future beckons to us. Whither do we go and what shall be our endeavour? To bring freedom ad opportunity to common man, to the peasants and workers of India. To fight and to end poverty, ignorance and disease. To build up a prosperous, democratic and progressive nation, and to create social, economics and political institutions which will ensure justice and fulness of life to every man and woman. JAI HIND.

Sardar V Patel (First Home Minister):

"Today we are witnessing the fulfillment of our life's ambition, the victory that has crowned the nation's struggle for freedom. It is our first duty to pay homage to the memory of those whose sacrifices have contributed so much to this glorious conclusion of that struggle. Let us not forget, how ever in the joy of the hour, the stupendous responsibilities and obligations which freedom has bought in its wake."

A. Kriplani (Congress President):

"Let us not be dis-heartened because the freedom has not come in the full glory of united India. What we have achieved today is freedom to make or mar our destiny."

Mrs Naidu:

"O' Lovely dawn of freedom that breaks in gold and purple over the ancient capital of Prithviraj O, splendid flag of new born India to be unfurled on the morrow over the Red Fort of Shahjehan ! We pay you the homage of our dedicated hearts and homage pledge ourselves to translate in to glorious dreams - the dreams that were our share in the long darkness of our bondage"

Lord Mountbatten (Last British Viceroy):

"Tomorrow two new Sovereign nations will take their place in British Commonwealth of Nations, not young nations but heirs to old and proud civilizations"

Mr Attlee (British Prime Minister):

"My colleagues in the United Kingdom Government join with in sending this historic day greetings and good wishes to the Government and people of India"

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